symbolic-debuginfo 12.11.1

A library to inspect and load DWARF debugging information from binaries, such as Mach-O or ELF.
Abstractions for dealing with object files and debug information. This module defines the [`Object`] type, which is an abstraction over various object file formats used in different platforms. Also, since executables on MacOS might contain multiple object files (called a _"Fat MachO"_), there is an [`Archive`] type, that provides a uniform interface with access to an objects iterator in all platforms. Most processing of object files will happen on the `Object` type or its concrete implementation for one platform. To allow abstraction over this, there is the [`ObjectLike`] trait. It defines common attributes and gives access to a [`DebugSession`], which can be used to perform more stateful handling of debug information. See [`Object`] for the full API, or use one of the modules for direct access to the platform-dependent data. # Background The functionality of `symbolic::debuginfo` is conceptionally similar to the [`object crate`]. However, there are key differences that warranted a separate implementation: - `object` has a stronger focus on executable formats, while `symbolic` focusses on debugging information. This is why `symbolic` also includes a variant for PDBs and Breakpad objects, where `object` instead has a WASM variant. - `object` contains far more generic access to the data within objects at the cost of performance. `symbolic` tries to optimize for debugging scenarios at the cost of generic usage. - `symbolic` contains an abstraction for multi-object files ([`Archive`]), which is not easily possible in `object` due to the use of lifetimes on the `object::Object` trait. [`Object`]: enum.Object.html [`Archive`]: enum.Archive.html [`ObjectLike`]: trait.ObjectLike.html [`DebugSession`]: trait.DebugSession.html [`object crate`]: